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File Generation

Using the API is great, but how do we get the same file structure as the CLI ?

Here is an example that tries to demontrate how to achieve that.

Test and generate files using the API
import copy

import colorama

import PyFunceble.facility
from PyFunceble import DomainAvailabilityChecker
from PyFunceble.cli.filesystem.dir_structure.restore import (
from PyFunceble.cli.processes.producer import ProducerProcessesManager
from PyFunceble.cli.utils import ascii_logo

# We initiate the coloration.

# We are in control, so we need to manually start the loader.
PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.custom_config = {
    "cli_testing": {
        "file_generation": {"plain": True},
        "display_mode": {"quiet": True, "color": True},


# This is needed as our idea is to communicate with the producer process instead
# of trying to implement everything again.
# So, this describes the dataset as they are sent to the tester process
# (normally from the CLi).
    "type": "single",
    "subject_type": "domain",
    # Destination inside the output directory.
    "destination": "my_awesome_pyfunceble_wrapper",
    "subject": None,
    "idna_subject": None,
    "source": "my_awesome_pyfunceble_wrapper",
    "output_dir": None,  # Will be handled automatically
    "checker_type": "AVAILABILITY",  # Must be one of our supported one!!

DOMAINS = ["", "", "www.аррӏе.com"]

# In this example, we are cleaning up and regenerating the output directory
# at each run.
# Note: the backup in question is the "dir_structure.json" file.
dir_structure_restoration = DirectoryStructureRestoration(

# We start the producer process.
producer_proc = ProducerProcessesManager()
# We start the process manager now that we are ready.

# We start and configure our availability checker.
avail_checker = DomainAvailabilityChecker(use_whois_lookup=False)

for domain in DOMAINS:
    # We loop through our list of subject to test.

    # We parse the current subject to the availability checker.
    avail_checker.subject = domain

    # Now we fetch the status object.
    test_result = avail_checker.get_status()
    dict_result = test_result.to_dict()

    # We prepare our communication dataset.
    communication_dataset = copy.deepcopy(STD_COMMUNICATION_DATASET)
    communication_dataset = {
        key: dict_result.get(key, value) for key, value in communication_dataset.items()

    # We print the result (for us as we call this script.)
        f"{test_result.subject} (IDNA: {test_result.idna_subject}) "
        f"is {test_result.status}"

    # We order the generation of the status file by putting our information
    # to the producer queue.
        (communication_dataset, test_result), worker_name="main"

# We are now done, it's time to send the stop signal.
# The stop signal will inform the producer process that it needs to stop
# listening to new order (from the time it reads the stop signal).

# Now we wait until it's done.

# From here all files were generated we can do whatever we want with them.