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PyFunceble is distributed through 2 packages that reflects our 2 main development and deployment branches. Both packages are stable but with 2 different phylosophies. Therefore, the choice is up to you.

The 2 packages are pyfunceble and pyfunceble-dev.

If you want a stable but mature, and slowly updating package, you should install the pyfunceble package. It reflects the master branch which only get updated once the new features and bugfixes of pyfunceble-dev are tested long enough to be considered mature.

On the other hand, if you want a stable but fast updating package, you should install the pyfunceble-dev package. It reflects the dev branch which get updated frequently to allow the community to provide feedbacks as soon as possible.

Recommendation: For most people the pyfunceble package should be sufficient. But if you want to help the community or always want to have the latest features and bugfix as soon as possible, you should prefer the pyfunceble-dev package.

Overview: Installation Method

OS Technology Tools Link
Any PyPi - Python Package Index pip3 Link
Any Container Image Registry docker Link
Any Git pip3 Link
Any Zip File pip3 Link
ArchLinux AUR Helper aur-helper Link

PyPi - Python Package Index

Installing from the Python Package Index is for most people the prefered one - after the OS specific packages (see below).

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Package PyPi Link


We recommend the usage of the --user flag as it installs the required dependencies at the user level. The main reason behind that is to avoid crashes or clashes between you OS package manager and pip3.

However, if you:

  • are aware of the possible consequences
  • are running PyFunceble within a CI engine or in an automated environment

you shouldn't use it.


You can install the pyfunceble through pip3:

pip3 install --user pyfunceble


You can install the pyfunceble-dev package through pip3:

pip3 install --user pyfunceble-dev

If you want to help and use the unstable pre-releases, you should install with the --pre argument.

pip3 install --user --pre pyfunceble-dev

Container Image Registry

Installing from a Container Image Registry is the way to go if you are in a hurry or always want the best from the beat without having to look if an update is available. 😄

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Host Package Link
Docker Hub pyfunceble
Docker Hub pyfunceble-dev


Docker Hub

You can install the pyfunceble image from Docker Hub through docker:

docker pull pyfunceble/pyfunceble


Docker Hub

You can install the pyfunceble-dev image from Docker Hub through docker:

docker pull pyfunceble/pyfunceble-dev

Arch Linux

Installing from the ArchLinux User Repository is the way to go if you are using ArchLinux.

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Package AUR Link


AUR Helper

You can install the pyfunceble package through your favorite AUR helper:

aur-helper -S pyfunceble


You can install the pyfunceble package manually through the following:

git clone pyfunceble
cd pyfunceble
makepkg -fsri


AUR Helper

You can install the pyfunceble-dev package through your favorite AUR helper:

aur-helper -S pyfunceble-dev


You can install the pyfunceble package manually through the following:

git clone pyfunceble-dev
cd pyfunceble-dev
makepkg -fsri

Git Repository

Installing from a Git Repository with pip3 is not recommended for general user as you will easily get the latest development patches even before they get published. But if you are one of those who always want to be in sync with the latest development patches, this is probably for you.

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Host Package Repository
GitHub pyfunceble git+
GitHub pyfunceble-dev git+
GitLab pyfunceble git+
GitLab pyfunceble-dev git+


We recommend the usage of the --user flag as it installs the required dependencies at the user level. The main reason behind that is to avoid crashes or clashes between you OS package manager and pip3.

However, if you:

  • are aware of the possible consequences
  • are running PyFunceble within a CI engine or in an automated environment

you shouldn't use it.



You can install the pyfunceble package from GitHub through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+


You can install the pyfunceble package from GitLab through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+



You can install the pyfunceble-dev package from GitHub through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+


You can install the pyfunceble-dev package from GitLab through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+

From Source

Installing from source is not recommended at all as you may need to keep the repository up-to-date by yourself.

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Host Package Branch Repository
GitHub pyfunceble master
GitHub pyfunceble-dev dev
GitLab pyfunceble master
GitLab pyfunceble-dev dev

You can install the package from source through pip3:

# From Github
pip3 install --upgrade --user{{branch}}.zip

# From GitLab
pip3 install --upgrade --user{{branch}}/PyFunceble-{{branch}}.zip